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Industrial Design Engineering TU Delft

This blog is part of my graduation project as graduate student at #dcodelabs, doing an internship at This blog is meant to open up the discussion about gender bias and tools to counteract them. I would therefore like to invite you to try out the experiments yourself and/or to leave comments or send me an e-mail.

As designers intervening into other peoples life on an often very subtle level, we carry a lot of responsibility. Despite the awareness of such, design research and practice are much infused by our implicit beliefs, values, preferences and interests. This in turn leads to biased ways of working, counteracting our designerly attempts to make fair and inclusive creations that help people.
In my thesis 'Grasping tacit knowledge through AI-designer confrontation' I thus want to explore my own biases when it comes to gender, by looking at myself from different perspectives. Key technology in these experiments will be AI, in form of classifier, GAN's (generative adversarial networks) or language processing tools, helping me in becoming aware of my own gender biases, better understanding my unconscious associations and challenge my way of thinking in narrow categories.
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